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Green Careers: Skills Spectrum Activity

The Skills Spectrum Activity is a 15-minute exercise to help middle school students identify the skills and interests they have that connect to various green careers.

The Skills Spectrum Activity is a 15-minute exercise to help middle school students identify the skills and interests they have that connect to various green careers.

Green Careers: Skills Spectrum Activity

The Skills Spectrum Activity is a 15-minute exercise to help middle school students identify the skills and interests they have that connect to various green careers. The only materials required are the Skills Spectrum PDF cards, which can be printed or shared digitally. To lead the activity, educators will read a card with two statements. Students will move to one side of the room or the other (or stay near the middle) depending on whether they agree more with the first or second statement. There's no right or wrong place on the spectrum to stand! Alternatively, students could participate at their desks or online by pointing toward one direction or another depending on which statement resonates more with them. Students will then hear about careers that fit the skill sets or preferences mentioned on the card. After a few rounds, students will discuss which green careers are most interesting to them. Educators may want to look up the green careers in the activity to answer student questions, or could plan to have students research their favorite careers. Access the "Green Careers for a Changing Climate" Documentary, Green Careers for a Changing Climate Discussion Guide, and Green Careers for a Changing Climate Instructional Supplement for Grades 6-8 for free in the Resource Library.


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