I’m midway through day 2 of AGU- new ideas and information swirling around. I have been thinking a lot about our ENTRF Minnesota Stories in a Changing Climate project as I learn about other successful public focused education campaigns around the country.
I’m midway through day 2 of AGU- new ideas and information swirling around. I have been thinking a lot about our ENTRF Minnesota Stories in a Changing Climate project as I learn about other successful public focused education campaigns around the country. The Science to Go project, is a project out of UMass Lowell that involves catchy posters posted in the Boston transit system- educating passengers about climate change and providing them with some hope. There has been a heavy focus on the importance of great infographics and importance and usefulness of social media and the importance of making the issue local.
Yesterday I was able to attend a few presentations on the Next Generation Science Standards and climate literacy and gained some insight into how other organizations are aligning their already existing curriculum. The wide availability of real life data today makes NGSS’s emphasis on helping students to think like and practice like scientists, easier, but there needs to be support for teachers in helping them use the data and ask students good questions.