Climate Change Education

Regional Climate Change Education Support

A group of 20 or more people standing in front of a solar panel to demonstrate the climate justice programming and regional climate change education support at Climate Generation.

We cultivate sustained relationships and provide regional climate change education support to districts, schools, and educators to realize systemic changes in how climate change is taught.

Non-Profit Organizations



Government Agencies


Two rows of women stand in a conference room during a regional climate change education support workshop. A blonde woman wearing a green shirt, jeans, and a white sweater is in the foreground, holding up a poster of a loon floating on the water. A blonde woman in the background is wearing jeans and a striped long sleeve shirt, holding up a picture of two hands holding a handful of blueberries. A stack of 12 books lays horizontal on a table with a brick wall behind them. These books are a part of the regional climate change education support provided by Climate Generation curriculum and resources. Ten educators in the Teach Climate Network gain practice to teach climate change with place-based activities. They are standing on a wooden board walk facing the camera. In the background there is tall green prairie grasses, a few evergreen pine trees, and a blue sky with white clouds. This is an example of regional climate change education support at Climate Generation.

How We Partner With Schools and Districts

  • Multi-year partnerships to build your capacity to create inclusive, culturally sustaining and engaging curriculum materials centered on climate change.
  • Single and multi-day workshops to increase climate literacy of educators through hands-on place-based activities featuring Climate Generation’s curriculum materials.
  • Year-round climate change education support providing high quality professional learning opportunities and resources to increase educator confidence and self efficacy in climate change education.
  • Single and multi-day working groups to develop a place-based climate change curriculum modeled from Climate Generation’s Minnesota’s Changing Climate (MCC) to other states
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Current Project

Minnesota Climate Change Educator Community of Practice

Climate Generation is offering 10 Minnesota educators a paid opportunity to participate in a climate change education community of practice during January- April of 2024. Whether you’re new to climate change education or have been practicing for years, this opportunity can help you increase the hours and depth at which you teach climate change and build long-lasting relationships with fellow educators.

Learn More and Apply Here

Examples of Our Work


We facilitated two workshops centered around quality climate change education practices featuring our Minnesota’s Changing Climate curriculum for formal and nonformal educators from Illinois. Educators explored concrete examples of how to adapt the Minnesota’s Changing Climate curriculum to Illinois.  

School of Environmental Studies, Apple Valley MN

We facilitated hybrid training to a group of ten interdisciplinary teachers for junior and senior grades at School of Environmental Students in Apple Valley, Minnesota. Educators participated in a series of listening calls and workshops geared toward integrating climate change education and project-based education into their curricula.

Wardlaw and Hartridge School

We facilitated four virtual training sessions with the middle school department to support Wardlaw and Hartridge School’s implementation of an interdisciplinary Climate Change Week. Educators took part in listening sessions, interactive workshops, and individual lesson plan coaching in order to create a week’s worth of climate change lessons in their subject area.

Lowell School logo

We worked with Lowell School for two years to design, implement, and assess a plan for integrating climate change across the sixth grade humanities curriculum. Students demonstrated an increase in understanding of all topics and increased engagement in the content matter.

Learn more about our climate programming

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