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Green Careers for a Changing Climate Discussion Guide

This discussion guide accompanies a 20-minute documentary that gives students an introduction to Green STEM Careers that are critical to addressing climate change.

This discussion guide accompanies a 20-minute documentary that gives students an introduction to Green STEM Careers that are critical to addressing climate change.

Green Careers for a Changing Climate Discussion Guide

Green Careers for a Changing Climate is a 20-minute documentary that gives middle school students an introduction to Green STEM Careers that are critical to addressing climate change. The opportunity for jobs in environmental fields are expanding and growing and students will benefit from learning about the various careers available. This documentary introduces students to eight professionals that have Green STEM Careers. We define Green Careers as careers that produce goods or provide services that benefit the environment, protect people, conserve natural resources, provide equitable and meaningful employment, or make the production process more environmentally friendly. This documentary showcases the skills students need to get Green STEM Careers. Before or after viewing the documentary, lead your students through the Skills Spectrum Activity, also found in the Climate Generation Resource Library, to help students understand what skills would be needed for certain Green STEM Careers. Access the "Green Careers for a Changing Climate" Documentary, Green Careers for a Changing Climate Instructional Supplement for Grades 6-8, and Green Careers: Skills Spectrum Activity for free in the Resource Library.


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