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Minnesota’s Changing Climate Curriculum for Grades 3-8

This set of lesson plans explores Minnesota’s unique biomes and what a changing climate will mean for the state. It is a model for place-based climate change education.

This set of lesson plans explores Minnesota’s unique biomes and what a changing climate will mean for the state. It is a model for place-based climate change education.

Minnesota’s Changing Climate Curriculum for Grades 3-8

Climate Generation created Minnesota’s Changing Climate because we believe that environmental stewardship and action begins with a local connection and sense of appreciation, or environmental sensitivity, towards the natural environment. As educators, you have the unique opportunity to lead your students through the environmental education continuum of knowledge, awareness, and skills that lead to an informed and active environmental citizenry. Minnesota’s Changing Climate is a great place to start because it follows this model of inspiring an appreciation and understanding of Minnesota’s natural environment and empowering action. In this set of lessons, we explore and learn about Minnesota’s unique biomes and what a changing climate will mean for the state. Specifically, we examine how Minnesota’s climate has already changed and how it is projected to change; how these changes may impact agriculture, forests and wildlife, aquatic ecosystems, our economy, and tourism and recreation; and how you can help reduce these potential impacts and help your biome adapt to a changing climate. This set of lesson plans explores Minnesota’s unique biomes and what a changing climate will mean for the state. It is considered a model for place based climate change education.


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